Homophobia in a Highly Conservative Nation Strikes Again

Earlier this week, a band by the name of Mashrou' Leila, a Lebanese group, performed at a concert in Cairo, Egypt. What had seemed to be an excellent showing, by both the band and crowd, the seemingly fun event was turned sour for reasons of homophobia and religious conservatism. Seven people in the crowd that day were arrested for waving the rainbow colored flag that represents the LGBTQ community. It is also worth mentioning that the lead singer for Mashrou' Leila is openly gay, and so this kind of support is not unexpected. The fans were arrested on the basis of "promoting sexual deviancy," in other words, what they were supporting and representing does not conform to societal standards. 
Mashrou' Leila at concert in Cairo on 22 September 2017 Picture of the band, from the BBC

Homosexuality is not a crime punishable by detainment, however since 2013, there have been 113 investigations that involved 274 individuals who were gay, lesbian, transgender, and so on. And it is not like the people in power have any qualms with these investigations, as many politicians and news agencies have voiced their contempt , as Reda Ragab, a member of a syndicate that monitors music, said " We are a religious, conservative society, an identity we need to preserve. This is a scandal against our traditions and far from serious and meaningful art." It is also worth noting that his organization is seeking ways to prevent Mashrou' Leila from ever performing in Egypt again.

It goes without saying, that this is a ridiculous thing to have happened. The fact that the opposition to open support of the LGBTQ community is shunned due to traditionalism and fundamentalism is frankly outrageous. I believe that these people afraid of change have no right or basis to shun these people simply because of their sexual orientation. The issues surrounding gay rights have gotten better over the last several decades, but this development exemplifies that we are still a long way from this injustice occurring at all. I only hope that change is made in regards to this topic is made soon. It just frustrates me to no end that this injustice is still an issue.

The Article that was used: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-41398193


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